Welcome to Opt It Mobile

Opt It Mobile is the industry-leading text message marketing application that helps you engage, build brand awareness and create a direct dialogue with your customers.

Learn more at Opt It. If you have an account, please login.

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Help: Opt It Mobile

Your Account: Your Dashboard

Upon logging into Opt It, you will see the dashboard. The dashboard provides you with an overview of all your keywords, members and messages, as well as Quick Links to other important information.


Top Active Keywords: The keywords section displays your keywords, new and unsubscribed members over the last seven days along with the number of members in the associated mobile community. Access the Edit Keyword page by clicking on a keyword of your choosing from this page.

View All Keywords: This link opens the Manage Keywords page which displays your entire list of keywords.

Messages: The messages section displays the keyword the message was sent from, the message's status, the number of recipients and the message title. View the message details by clicking on the message date and time.

View All Messages: This link opens the Messages page which displays your entire list of messages.

Dashboard-Quick Links

Quick Links: The quick links section provides you with shortcuts to commonly used functions inside Opt It, such as viewing interests and messages, adding members, viewing your inbox or account information and contacting Opt It support.

Announcements: Opt It uses the announcements section to keep you up to date on new features, tips, tools and Opt It blog postings.

Search Bar: Search for a specific member or keyword by using the search bar at the top of the page.

Send Text Message: Access the Send Text Message screen with ease by clicking on the Send Text Message button at the top of the Quick Links.