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Opt It Mobile is the industry-leading text message marketing application that helps you engage, build brand awareness and create a direct dialogue with your customers.

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Keywords & Campaigns: Keyword Types: Forward

The Subscription forward and forward keyword type are very powerful ways to control and automate inbound messages. When the Subscription forward or Forward keyword type are used you can control where inbound message are routed. Inbound messages can be sent to:

  • An email address
  • Cellular phone
  • URL
  • To your Opt It Inbox

Select the applicable checkboxes for where you would like your inbound messages to be delivered and include an email address, mobile number or URL. The phone number and the message that the member sent to you will be forwarded based upon the options you have chosen.

For inbound message to be delivered your members will need to format the message to ensure delivery to the email, mobile phone or inbox you have selected. Your members will need to text:

KEYWORD <space> the message that your member is sending to you.

A response can also be sent back to the member sending the message letting them know that you have received their message and will respond accordingly.

Inbound messaging can also be forwarded to a URL which allows you to extend the functionality outside of the Opt It Mobile platform. By using the send to URL feature messages can be forwarded to a URL that you specify and can be stored, used for query or responded to with content located outside of the Opt It mobile platform.
