Welcome to Opt It Mobile

Opt It Mobile is the industry-leading text message marketing application that helps you engage, build brand awareness and create a direct dialogue with your customers.

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Members & Interests: Manange Interests

Interests enable you to segment your mobile community and provide the ability to send messages to those smaller groups inside your mobile community. This is useful for segmenting your list by gender, location, opt-in date, sub-keyword sent in or even for delivering messages to your employees.

By associating an interest to a sub-keyword or with the sign up form widget you can allow members to select the specific types of messages that they would like to receive from you.

New interests can be created in multiple places throughout your account:

  • Manage keywords page
  • Assign Interests page
  • Edit Sub-keywords page
  • Members page
  • Edit keywords page
  • Sign up form widget page
Assign Interests

To associate an interest to a keyword or sub-keyword you can go to the edit keyword or edit sub-keyword page and select the interest that you would like associated to the keyword or sub-keyword. Your keyword or sub-keyword need to be set to Subscription to associate the interest to your keyword or sub-keyword.

Interest Sub-keyword example